Adding or Inviting Users to Your HUB
Now that you have your HUB all set up, you want to start inviting people to come read and interact with your content! It's easy to invite or bulk import users into your HUB.
How to Invite a User to Your HUB
Log into the Builder at (USA) or (CAD)
Navigate to 'Channels & Users' > 'Users'
Click on the 'Invite User' button in the top right corner
Fill in the User's Name, First and Last, Email, Phone number (optional)
Select which User Role you would like this User to be. On most occasions you will keep this on Registered User.
Read more about Builder User Roles Here -
Select Which Channels you would like this User to be apart of. You can add them to both public and private channels. Adding them to Channels before they even begin gives them a customized app right when they log in.
Add a custom message (optional)
Click 'Invite'
There you go! An invite has been sent to your User! Here is an example of what that invite looks like:
How to Bulk Invite a Users to Your HUB
In the Builder, Select ‘Channels & Users' > 'Users’
Select ‘Import Users’ from the top of the page
Select the blue ‘Select file’ button.
Locate the Excel or .csv file with the names of the people you want to upload
Select ‘Open’
The first few rows of information from your file will be shown in the preview window. Based on the sample data, use the drop down menus in ‘Assign a Category’ to correctly identify the first name, last name and email rows. Match the “First name” category to the “first name”, the “Last Name” category to the “last name” and the “Email” category to the “email”.
Select the blue ‘Continue’ button
Select one or more contacts
Select the blue ‘Continue’ button
Customize the subject or body of your invitation email, if you like
Select the ‘Invite’ button to send your invitation email to the users you selected
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