How can I live stream on the IHUBApp?
Below are instructions on how to do this. You must have an existing YouTube Account and it takes 24hrs to verify a new account in order to live stream.
Start with YouTube
Navigate to and sign in
Ensure that you’ve enabled your YouTube channel for live streaming and that your webcam is compatible with Chrome 60+ and Firefox 53+.
Click the upload icon in the upper right hand corner
Click Go Live.
At the top, select Webcam.
Allow access to your Microphone and Webcam
If this is your first time streaming, a notification should appear asking for permission.
Enter a title and description, and select a privacy setting
Toggle "Schedule for later" on and set a date/time
Select an Audience
Click More options > Advanced Settings for more settings
Click Next then your camera will take a thumbnail or you can upload a custom thumbnail
Click Share to get a shareable link to the stream and copy the link
Next, Go into the Builder
Navigate to and create whichever type of content you would like the post be under (Posts, Events, Pages etc.)
Set the Card Style to be "Video"
Paste the copied YouTube URL into the URL field and the card image should load with the previously set thumbnail
Save and Publish the post.
Return back to YouTube and click Go Live when you are ready to begin your stream. If your stream is scheduled for a later date. You can also return to the "Stream preview" window by viewing the stream under the Manage tab.
When you’re done streaming, click End Stream at the bottom. All streams under 12 hours will be automatically archived. You can access previous, current, and upcoming streams in the Manage tab
How do I embed the live stream chat into a post?
Find the live broadcast video ID (this can be grabbed from the first share link, or embed link)
NOTE: I have highlighted the video ID as an example in the second screenshot below (J_l5rQPVOh8)
Find the domain for where you would like to embed the chat.
The domain for this inspirehub hub is just, NOT a full link like ). The domain must follow the exact syntax using the slug. (no www. before it or anything as well)
Construct the live chat URL. Replace <your video ID. and <your domain name> with the actual video ID and domain<your video ID>&embed_domain=<your domain name>
With the example video, and using inspirehub as the domain then the URL would be: J_l5rQPVOh8& NOTE: When doing this in the hub, the ampersand (&) will actually change to & in Froala, as this is the code for an ampersand but will still function correctly.
Create an iframe using the URL
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe><br>
You can change the "height" and "width" parameters as well as more listed here: in order to make the chat box larger or smaller.
Paste the iframe tag and URL in your post in the body section while in code view (
NOTE: it will show that it cannot connect to YouTube when posting from the builder because the domain is different from what we previously set. Once you go to the post in the hub and are live, the chat should load properly) This size in my screenshot, is also using the exact height and width values I previously posted for the URL.
Publish your post, and with the livestream embedded in the card, and chat in the body. You stream exactly like its YouTube through the hub!
NOTE: The live chat will also disappear once the live stream is over and will show the message "This video is unavailable" so be sure to edit and remove the chat when done. A VOD (Video on Demand) of the chat can still be found on YouTube.
Any further questions? Contact our support team now! or call 1.855.355.4482
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