Posts are entries that display in reverse order in your channels. They are typically used to provide real-time updates and you can decide to enable/disable comments as you desire. Posts can be added from either your Hub or through the Builder.
You must have appropriate access to be able to post in the hub. Every channel (including the Home Channel) has different access levels.
In this article we look at:
How to create a post from your Hub
Login to your Hub NOTE: You must be signed into your IHUBApp and have appropriate permission to be able to publish.
Select the +COMPOSE button in the bottom right of your Hub.
The 'Add post' form will appear for you.
Main Fields on the form are as follows:- Select Channel: This post will appear in the channels that you publish to. It will also notify the members of the channels there's a new post to read.
Card Style: This will determine what appears at the top of the post. The options are:
- None: Will show nothing.
- Title Card: Will create a card at top with the test of your Subject line.
- Image: Will put an image at the top.
- Video: Will have a video at the top of your post.
- Embed: Allows you to use the embed code from anywhere and other products to automatically offer it at the top.
- Title: This will be the subject of your post. It will also be used in Newsletters.
- Body: This is the message that you have.
- Post Options: Allows you to set additional options (publish date, expire date, notifications when publishing, comments, and if the post is included in the newsletter)
- Select Modules: Every post can include an engagement module to help drive engagement. Note: certain modules are only available with Premium Features.
- When ready, select "Create" to save your post
Select the 'Publish' button and your content will go LIVE!
How to create a post from the Builder for Business:
Login to your Builder
From the ‘Dashboard’ select ‘Create’>'Posts'.
Start filling in the fields that are available paying attention to the ‘Title’ and the ‘Body’
As needed, select the ‘Channels’ you wish to post in, add images, and set the publish and expiration dates then hit SUBMIT at the top right.
Note: Additional modules such as Photo Album, Maps, and Volunteer Tasks are available under ‘"Select Modules" depending on your access level.
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